中国航发航材院拥有一支高水平的研发团队,他们致力于研发高性能、高可靠性的航空材料。 company has a team of highly skilled and innovative researchers who are dedicated to developing high-performance, high- reliability航空 materials.
中国航发航材院注重技术创新,不断探索新的材料技术和生产工艺。 company is committed to innovation and constantly exploring new materials and production methods.
中国航发航材院在航空材料的研发和应用方面取得了许多重要的成就。 company has made many important achievements in the development and application of航空 materials.
中国航发航材院还积极参与国际交流与合作,与国际知名高校和研究机构建立了广泛的合作关系,促进了国际学术交流和技术合作。 company is actively involved in international exchange and cooperation, and has formed close relationships with international universities and research institutions.
总的来说,中国航发航材院在推动航空材料技术创新和发展方面发挥着重要的作用。 company plays an important role in promoting the technological innovation and development of aerospace materials.
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